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Archive for the ‘Tweet’ Category

Introduction to Self-Defense February 26, 2012!

FMA’s Introduction to Self-Defense is designed to give the student some basic tools to increase their personal safety.

Students will learn how to assess and minimize potential dangers from assault, identify potential escape routes, and if necessary and practical, defend yourself.

Skills include awareness, assault recognition, the physiology of fright & it’s effects on performance, The basics of the law on the use of self defense, conflict avoidance, and much more.

The course runs from 3:30 to 7:30. Sign up on our website at

Women’s Intro to Self Defense Sep 26!

This class is a great introduction to the basics of self-defense, focusing on awareness, avoidance, situational awareness, and much more. On the physical side, we will cover basic stances, movement, hold breaks, and many other skills.

This class is 2/3 physical skills, not just boring lecture!

Introductory price for 2010 is $25. Pre-registration is required, as space is limited and filling up fast.

To register email

You may download our flyer in PDF format by clicking here.

Teen charged in attempt on Father’s life

Story here

In 2007 in MN 23% of murders were by members of the victim’s nuclear family, and 62% were non-nuclear family or acquaintances. We have said for years that 85% of victims knew their attackers.

MN BCA uniform crime reports here

St. Cloud home invasion

Two men have been arrested after breaking into a St. Cloud home and tying up a woman with duct tape before ransacking and robbing her home.

The woman told police she woke up to find the men at the foot of her bed. After she was attacked and bound, the men threatened the woman and her 9-month-old baby with guns, then ransacked the house looking for items to steal.

Read story here

Minneapolis has hundreds of untested rape kits

Evidence has sat untested in the Minneapolis Police evidence locker for over 3 years.
